NEW WAVE ディマシュはゲスト&審査員 チケットについて Dimash is guest & judge、about tickets

以前からディマシュが出るとうわさされていたNEW WAVE 2021。


Friends, I officially confirm that I will come to the “New Wave” competition where I will take part as a jury and a guest. See you!!!

昨年の年末にモスクワでのテレビの収録以外、カザフスタン国外での公の仕事はなかったから、本当に久しぶりにディマシュの雄姿が見れますね ♪


それがたった3年で審査員です Σ(・□・;)


2019年のディマシュのパフォーマンスは胸が躍るものでした。この時に、新曲の Passione も発表されたのでした。今回も新曲の発表があるのでしょうか?




ディマシュのソロコンサートは、熱狂的なDEARSが集まるので、みんな興奮していてキャーキャーがすごい Σ(・□・;) 特に 迪玛希! と叫ぶ人達の大声や態度には圧倒されてしまう💦


NEW WAVE2021 の 公式サイトはこちらです。



2019年は出演がない日に、カザンで行われた WorldSkills Kazan 2019 に飛んでましたから、多忙でしたよね Σ(・□・;)



リゾートで夏の休暇を楽しみながら、ディマシュが出演する日は NEW WAVE を見に行く、なんていう優雅なひと夏を送ってみたいです。


さてNEW WAVEのチケットですが、まだ残っているようです。

以前と同じ ICETICKETS での販売です。

3000~30000ルーブル だから、日本円では 5000円~46000円 くらでしょうか。






2019年のNEW WAVE で発表された PASSIONE

8月の NEW WAVE が楽しみです。



NEW WAVE 2021 has been rumored to have Dimash.

Yesterday, Dimash officially announced his appearance on Instagram.

There was no public work outside Kazakhstan other than recording television in Moscow at the end of last year.
We can really see the male figure of Dimash for the first time in a long time ♪

After attending this event in 2018, he started working with Eagle Kurtoy in earnest. It was an opportunity for Dimash to advance into the Russian-speaking world.

It’s only 3 years and he’s a judge. He’s Σ (・ □ ・ ;)

The chairman of the jury is Igor Krutoy, a Russian composer.

Dimash’s performance in 2019 was exciting. At this time, his new song, Passione, was also announced. Will there be a new song announced this time as well?

I watched the breaking news in 2019 with videos and images of Fancam, and then saw it on Dimash’s official YOUTUBE.

Each of Dimash’s songs is wonderful, and the stage production is also gorgeous.

Looking at the audience, it seemed that the wealthy Russians were gathering together, and everyone was calm and enjoying the artist’s performance.

Dimash’s solo concert is a gathering of enthusiastic DEARS, so everyone is excited and They shout out!

Especially,  迪玛希! I’m overwhelmed by the loud voices and attitudes of those who shout 💦

Here, you can calm down and enjoy Dimash’s song 💓

The official website of NEW WAVE2021 is here.

According to it, Dimash will perform on August 19, August 22, August 24, and August 25.

As a judge, I think he’vs been in Sochi all this time.

In 2019, he was busy because he flew to WorldSkills Kazan 2019 held in Kazan on the day when there was no appearance Σ (・ □ ・;)

I want to go, Sochi!

Is this a resort in the south of Russia?

While enjoying a summer vacation at the resort, I would like to spend an elegant summer, going to see her NEW WAVE on the day when Dimash appears.

Apply for the lottery !

Well, it’s a NEW WAVE ticket, but it seems that it still remains.

It is the same sale at this ICE TICKETS as before.

Since it is 3000 to 30000 rubles, is he about 5000 to 46000 yen in Japanese yen?

However, I can’t buy this ICETICKETS with a Japanese credit card for some reason 😢

I’ve tried it several times, but it didn’t work.

My friend went to the ARNAU concert in St. Petersburg, but she still couldn’t buy the ticket, and a local acquaintance gave her what her bought.

I want you to solve this problem somehow.

I want to go to a concert in Russia at least once while I’m alive!

I’m looking forward to her NEW WAVE in August.

What kind of costume will he sing and how many songs will he sing this year?




ディマシュ ファーストアルバム ID のダウンロードはこちら


ディマシュ クダイベルゲンに心を奪われた大和撫子。寝てもさめてものディマシュことを思っています。ディマシュの情報や、ディマシュについて思ったことを書いていきます。 詳しいプロフィールはこちら トップページ I am a Japanese woman who was fascinated by Dimash kudaibergen. I'm thinking of dimash even if I sleep or wake up. I will write information about Dimash and what I thought about Dimash.

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