ディマシュの歌の不思議な力  Love is Like a Dream


ディマシュの歌の不思議な力  Love is Like a Dream

昨日、ディマシュは 日本の民放テレビに初めて出演しました。



それはディマシュの歌を聞いた人は、まるで中毒患者のように離れられなくなるからです。私もそうです (^^♪




理屈じゃないのです。魂が支配されてしまった感じです Σ(・□・;)







My Dimash Story by Tsani Mutia Hello. My name is Tsani Mutia, from Indonesia. I am deaf or as it is often said… , hard of hearing. Perhaps you may wonder how I can hear Dimash singing. It is believed that for people who are deaf, music is usually flat sound and that we can’t catch the frequency or the vibration of singer’s voice. So is music really just plain simple nothing special for us? One day, I was passing by my mother while in our dining room and suddenly my ears caught high pitch voice that shocked me off my head. Before I couldn’t hear anything my mom played on her phone even if she’s standing very close to me. I asked my mother who it was and she explained that it was Dimash Kudaibergen, a singer from Kazakhstan! She was doubtful at first as she knows my hearing history and that I couldn’t hear anything she plays on her phone even when she stood close to me. I explained further how his high parts of his voice had struck my ears loud and clear!” “Oh my God! This is magical that Dimash increased your hearing!” my mom said while smiling and hugging me! I tracked down all his songs and since then I learned to listen to the vibrations and frequency of sounds in voices. My favorite song is HELLO as some parts of this song particularly draws my soul to it! I’m really blessed and thankful to Dimash Kudaibergen, that he has helped me improve my hearing and opened my ears to wonderful sounds of music. I am grateful that God sent this man to us, the angel who has healed my deafness and I hope other people who have loss of hearing can discover him as well. Ammiin @kudaibergenov.dimash @kanat_sveta_aitbayevtar #dimash #dimashkudaibergen #迪玛希 #thesingerdimash #ДимашҚұдайберген #Димаш #DQ #Dears #MyDimashStory

DKIFC(@dimash_international)がシェアした投稿 –


Tsani Mutiaによる私のDimash Story

こんにちは。私はインドネシアのTsani Mutiaと申します。私は耳が聞こえない、またはよく言われるように難聴です。たぶん、あなたは私がどうしてにDimashの歌を聞くことができるのか疑問に思うかもしれません。聴覚障害者にとって、音楽は通常フラットな音であり、歌手の声の周波数や振動を捉えることはできないと考えられています。それで、音楽は本当に私たちにとって何も聞こえないのでしょうか?




Dimash Kudaibergenは私に本当に恵まれ、感謝しています。彼が私の聴力を改善し、素晴らしい音楽の音に耳を傾けてくれたことに感謝しています。私の聴覚障害を癒してくれた天使である神がこの人を私たちに送ってくださったことに感謝しています。聴覚を失った他の人にも彼を発見してほしいと思います。

これって、難聴でいつもは歌なんて聞こえないのに、ディマシュの高音が聞こえた! と言う事ですよね Σ(・□・;)

やっぱり、ディマシュの歌には不思議な力があるようです 💓

ディマシュの歌の不思議な力  Love is Like a Dream


Love is Like a Dream

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