ディマッシュの母親、スヴェトラーナ・アイトバイエワ氏が、KAZINFORM に語った内容です。
「彼はアメリカでのテレビの「World’s Best on CBS」に、カザフ芸術、私たちの歌と文化を代表して出ています。」とディマッシュの母親、スヴェトラーナ・アイトバイエワ氏は語った。
He is a part of the TV reality show [World’s Best on CBS] in the U.S., where he represents Kazakh art, our songs and culture,” Dimash’s mother Svetlana Aitbayeva said. “We hope he’s going to win. He has a lot of proposals. But it is difficult to arrange concerts or to do a world tour. Dimash is not alone, he has a band, a dance troupe. Everything should be prepared and organized perfectly for the shows.” She added, “First, he’s going to have a solo show in Moscow, then in Astana. He also got proposals to arrange concerts in Canada, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and many CIS states. It is impossible to do it all in one year.” In fact, Dimash is expected to have two solo shows in Moscow on March 22 and 23. Initially the organizers planned only one concert, but the demand from the fans was so high that it was decided to do another show. “The concert in Russia is organized jointly by Kazakhstan and the Russian side. Tickets to his first solo show in Moscow scheduled for March 22 have sold out. Later, it was decided to hold another concert the next day [March 23]. The majority of tickets to the second show have been almost sold out as well,” Svetlana said in conclusion.
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私はいつまでも待ってます 💓

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